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jacks! O masters!

par the collective of the theater workshop of the medieval and popular academy of terms

Friday November 24, 2023 at 9 p.m. - Foyer communal de Saint-Germé


A show for all audiences which draws on the theatrical repertoire from commedia dell'arte to the present day, the comic and popular force of the relationship between masters and servants - a theme inherited from ancient tradition - to offer a moment of pure theatrical pleasure accessible to all, funny, farcical and which tells us about beings, their condition, their illusions too. Based on selected scenes from Molière, Marivaux, Goldoni, Jean Genet, Jean Teulé, Jean-Michel Ribes, the show aims to discover, in a dozen situations, the marvelous writing of the authors and the exhilarating joy that the character of the faithful servant of his master, certainly, but who is also often impertinent, irreverent and even suborning. Clairvoyant, he is an essential cog in the mechanics of comedy since his intelligence and his liveliness contribute to advancing the plot and revealing, beyond the fantasies, the failings of the masters and of society.


“In terms of the virtues required in a servant, does your Excellency know many masters who were worthy of being valets? »  FIGARO.

Price: €9

The prodigious cobbler

par the collective of the theater workshop of the mediev academyale and popular terms

Sunday December 2, 2023 at 8:30 p.m. - Salle de l'Octave in Vic en Bigorre


A young girl in the prime of her life has married an old cobbler who she makes live a hellish existence. And the neighborhood's taunts exacerbate their differences. Tired of his wife's whims and impetuousness, the cobbler runs away...

Will the lively and upright character of the pretty heroine and her candid illusions withstand the test of this absence?


 Through the plot, the entire Hispanic nature of the drama is revealed in its theatrical intensity and its musical and scenographic sides.

“The strength of the Spanish poet is to have seen, like no one else, to what extent man looked towards the sky. His courage was to give substance to this poetic utopia, through his dramatic work, of sovereign beauty, through his tireless work as an itinerant and militant theater. »


Adult: €10 - Reduced price €5

couples... on the verge of crisis

par the company through words

Plays by Georges Courteline

Saturday January 21, 2023 from 8 p.m.


Four one-act comedies about married life made up of male idiocy, misunderstandings and vaudeville! A play composed of colorful characters who provoke hilarity: a husband looking for his wife, a cowardly husband who is ridiculed, a lover who pursues his mistress, a couple who can no longer stand each other, pure Courteline!


Everything is performed by the company “au fil des mots” and its 6 actors directed by Corinne Cibin.

Prices :

Adult €10 - reduced rate €8 (from 12 to 18, student, job seeker, disabled)

Catering savory board €5 - sweet board €3



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